Abraham taking Isaac to the mountain to be sacrificed

Exercising your faith brings perseverance 

Embrace the challenges with unwavering belief, and let perseverance be your guide to a steadfast spiritual life. Exercising your faith brings perseverance. What is faith? The act of believing in something that is unseen but seeing it in your mind. How to Strengthen faith ? To build muscle in the gym requires you to use specific exercises to strain your muscles. Faith works in a similar way where God creates scenarios that test our faith to help us grow. We have the reassurance that obedience brings out the good things that God has planned for us. How long does it take to receive what I am beliveing for? There is no definitive answer to this as we may receive it quite instantly and at other times...

Embrace the challenges with ...

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hand opened up with dove representing holy spirit flying

The holy spirit is a person

Just like how water comes in 3 forms, God comes in 3 forms. Water can exist as gas, liquid and ice in the same way God exists as the Father, Son and holy spirit. The holy spirit is a person. Who is the holy spirit? The holy spirit is an active force of God's power manifested through his spirit. The holy spirit is the channel by which God can interact with others and manifest his power through us. Does The Holy Spirit Have Feelings? The holy spirit experiences various emotions in a similar way to humans do. There have been references to grieving the holy spirit. To grieve is to feel intense sorrow. This means the holy spirit cares very much for you as you can only grieve someone you are close to. How do I get the holy spirit? Prayer to God that you would like to receive the holy spirit whilst you accept the...

Just like how water comes in...

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orchestra group gathered together

Coming together brings about change

Together, we can achieve more, inspire change, and make a positive impact on the world. Come be a part of something extraordinary and witness the spectacle that happens when individuals come together with a shared vision. Coming together brings about change The Power Of Together When a musical band plays, the harmonization of music in sync makes music so powerful. One instrument on its own may not have power but when you add multiple instruments it has more power to move you. Even when one instrument makes a slight mistake, the other instruments can cover you. If you play alone then it is easier for others to hear your mistake. Everyone has an important role to play  A church has many different departments and...

Together, we can achieve mor...

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Jesus in middle of sea reaching hand out to you

There Is No Fear When God Is Here  

We allow our fears to grow instead of allowing Jesus to shrink them. Take the opportunity to give your mountain to Jesus and watch it shrink over time. There Is No Fear When God Is Here   What is Fear? An unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen What Is anxiety Feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness that may occur as a reaction to stress. Difference Between Fear and Anxiety Fear is a response to an immediate and real threat, while anxiety is often a more prolonged emotional state related to perceived or potential threats, sometimes without a clear and immediate danger. What Are My options You can decide to run...

We allow our fears to grow i...

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thermometer in the sky

Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer

Discover the transformative power of Jesus – not merely a thermometer reacting to the world, but a thermostat influencing and shaping it. Immerse yourself in the teachings of a guiding light, empowering you to set the temperature of love, compassion, and positive change in your life and the world. Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer. What is the function of a thermostat? A thermostat is simply the controls used to regulate temperature in a heating system What is a thermostat? A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature What is the function of a boiler? The boiler provides the heat and the pump moves heated water from the boiler through the pipework to the radiators, and back to the boiler for reheating What has thermostat and thermometer got to do...

Discover the transformative ...

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glass half filled with view of the city in the evening

Perception Can Make A World Of Difference

Elevate your awareness and embrace the profound impact perception can have on shaping your reality. Perception Can Make A World Of Difference. What Is Perception? In the context of this article, we will focus on perception which is how people may interpret something. Two people may look at a half-filled glass of water and draw 2 conclusions from it. One person may perceive it as being half full and another half empty but are any of the 2 individuals wrong. They are both correct in their own ways but your outlook on things can have a huge bearing on how you approach things in life. How Did People Perceive David when he thought Goliath? They saw Goliath as this immensely intimidating figure between his...

Elevate your awareness and e...

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hand holding a telescope viewing scenery with lens being focussed and everything around being blurry

Vision and Television The New Power

A vision can be something something you see in your mind and you manifest it into the physical world. A Television shows a screen with someones vision. Vision and Television can show different things.Difference In Power Of Vision and TelevisionThe vision can be moulded into what your mind can imagine. A television can only show someones vision in picture form. A television can be used to feed your vision if it is aligned with the right things. In modern times we are spoilt for choice on what we can decide to feed our minds with. A tool can bring benefit or harm depending on how it is used.How Do I Grow My VisionYou can grow your vision in a variety...

A vision can be something som...

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man putting dollar in beggars plastic cup

God Owns Everything

God owns everything in existence including the assets or finances that we may so easily get lost in. The poor will always be around and we are encouraged to give to those in need. Throughout the many centuries poverty has not been never been erased.Are you being responsible with what God has entrusted to you? Are you utilising responsibly what God has put in your hands?When Abel offered his offering to God it was his best. When Cain offered to God it was what he chose to offer. The first fruit is always special as it is a act of faith you expect God to give you more fruit before you receive it.Tithe is a channel by which through faith God is...

God owns everything in existe...

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3 books open on a bed

How To Obtain Wisdom

Wisdom can be obtained by asking God directly for it. We see in Solomons case that when he asked for wisdom it gave him the ability to create wealth beyond imagination. How to obtain wisdom is just as simple as requesting for it. It makes life easier to navigate through.Navigating life with wisdom helps to make things easier and helps to avoid certain pitfalls life may throw your way. Honouring our parents is a common theme highlighted in the bible. Sometimes in the moment we may not be happy with our parents approach on things when we were younger byt reflecting back you may be glad they had a strict approach on certain things.If your in the department store seeking for Wisdom then...

Wisdom can be obtained by ask...

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table with books stacked hiding the face of someone only showing arms

Open Minded Wisdom

Pride can be a deadly force and instills that you rely on yourself and your power rather than God. Learning to be open draws people to you and allows God to use you to connect to others. Jesus showed us in all his ways how humble he was even in situations that would have aggravated the average person. Open minded wisdom is a great place to grow as a person.Wisdom can be a double edged sword at times. For instance, when you have the wisdom to know how good a cake can taste, you will always want a cake. If you never had a cake in your life then not having the wisdom the of the taste does not draw you to it.Take a...

Pride can be a deadly force a...

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