
wisdom Tag

hand holding a telescope viewing scenery with lens being focussed and everything around being blurry

Vision and Television The New Power

A vision can be something something you see in your mind and you manifest it into the physical world. A Television shows a screen with someones vision. Vision and Television can show different things.Difference In Power Of Vision and TelevisionThe vision can be moulded into what your mind can imagine. A television can only show someones vision in picture form. A television can be used to feed your vision if it is aligned with the right things. In modern times we are spoilt for choice on what we can decide to feed our minds with. A tool can bring benefit or harm depending on how it is used.How Do I Grow My VisionYou can grow your vision in a variety...

A vision can be something som...

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3 books open on a bed

How To Obtain Wisdom

Wisdom can be obtained by asking God directly for it. We see in Solomons case that when he asked for wisdom it gave him the ability to create wealth beyond imagination. How to obtain wisdom is just as simple as requesting for it. It makes life easier to navigate through.Navigating life with wisdom helps to make things easier and helps to avoid certain pitfalls life may throw your way. Honouring our parents is a common theme highlighted in the bible. Sometimes in the moment we may not be happy with our parents approach on things when we were younger byt reflecting back you may be glad they had a strict approach on certain things.If your in the department store seeking for Wisdom then...

Wisdom can be obtained by ask...

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table with books stacked hiding the face of someone only showing arms

Open Minded Wisdom

Pride can be a deadly force and instills that you rely on yourself and your power rather than God. Learning to be open draws people to you and allows God to use you to connect to others. Jesus showed us in all his ways how humble he was even in situations that would have aggravated the average person. Open minded wisdom is a great place to grow as a person.Wisdom can be a double edged sword at times. For instance, when you have the wisdom to know how good a cake can taste, you will always want a cake. If you never had a cake in your life then not having the wisdom the of the taste does not draw you to it.Take a...

Pride can be a deadly force a...

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man holding gold key and putting it into light bulb with key hole

Wisdom is worth more than silver & Gold

How Do I Get This So Called Wisdom?Wisdom can give you the understanding on how to get things in life. It is like that expression where if you give someone a fish they will rely on you to bring another. If you teach them how to catch a fish they will be self sufficient. You can gain wisdom by asking God or though experiences. Everyone wisdom varies from person to person on different areas however we are all capable of learning more through asking God (Aka Jesus). Wisdom is worth more than silver & Gold.Bible VersesProverbs 16:16 - How much better it is to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver.James 1:5 -...

How Do I Get This So Called W...

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