
protection Tag

Jesus rescuing St Peter from the water by eating out to drowning st

The Ultimate Protection Life Has To Offer

When God is for you, who can be against you. Manifest the protection of Jesus over your life with immediate effect. The ultimate protection life has to offer How Do I Call Upon This Protection? You simply just need to ask Jesus to protect you and believe it and it's as simple as that. This does not mean to pray and then intentionally put yourself in harm's way or danger as you are then testing God. The more specific you are with the type of protection, the more it shows your faith in Jesus tackling that issue. Jesus has protected many times where you were aware and many times unknowing to you. Do I need to wear anything to activate it? You do not need...

When God is for you, who can...

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Jesus holding a sheep in his arms using his scarf to wrap it

Our Ultimate Protector

Tag Him InIn our lives we have probably lost count of how many times God has knowingly and unknowingly protected us from harm. One key activator for God protecting you is knowing the God who is protecting you. In real life when you are in danger you can call on those close to you to help in times of need. If you reached out to a stranger, they may behave like this is not my problem but it yours. He is our ultimate protector in everything. Let God take control of your situation and everything will turn around in your life.The name of the lord is Jesus. We have added reassurance that God protects us when we run to him through troubling...

Tag Him InIn our liv...

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Jesus leading a flock of sheep in a green scenery

Jesus has your back

Let Him Do The RestGod provides protection to us all as we are his children. This is very specific in that all weapons means all weapons. It could be applied to weapons directly or it could even be the manifestation of an attack planned for your life. God has neutralized it before it even becomes a threat to you. Some things we may be aware of and others not so much. Jesus Has your back.When people accuse you, God has your back. This is especially the case when you are in the right on a given topic. When you hear gossip do not contribute towards it but neutralize its deadly venom. As we ask for protection, remember to protect those around you...

Let Him Do The RestGo...

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