
Love Tag

blue and pink love hearts on the beach

Love In All You Do

Let all your actions be driven by love for others. Sometimes it can be the smile things that can a difference to someones day. Whether a small or big action, they all add up. Jesus set a clear example for us in all his actions for us all. Sometimes it can be difficult to love someone who you naturally clash but you would be surprised that sometimes that enemy can be your closest friend. Love in all you do and it will change the way you think.Action That Can Show LoveIf you can take an act to do something loving for someone today, you may be the only persons who shows love on a particular day.Bible Verse1 Corinthians 16:14 -...

Let all your actions be drive...

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Jesus hugging you in heaven

Jesus Came to Save Us All

Accept His Free GiftJesus came to save everyone and not to be its judge. There is great power in his name and by believing in him you will be saved by the grace of God.Bible verse John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life". ...

Accept His Free GiftJesus...

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