
Jesus Tag

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Jesus is the Father

Unpack the complexities and significance of understanding Jesus' divine nature as the father. Jesus is the father. Who Is The Father? Jesus is our father. He is the visible part of the invisible God. He is an aspect of Gods divine nature packaged in human flesh. He is your biggest supporter.Does the Father Love Me?The Father loves us all. No matter what you may think, the fathers love never departs us. The fathers love is unconditional towards his children. How Does He Show His Love?In many ways. We have to be receptive to how he communicates as this would be different from person to person. Will He Take Me Back When I Have Lost My Way?He always has a hand stretched out to you...

Unpack the complexities and ...

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woman jumping from a lower ground to a higher mountain ground

Faith Is A Driving Force

Ride Along The WaveBelief is a powerful tool that can drive an individual to do great things. In the same way it has the potential to bring good outcomes, it likewise also has the potential to bring about bad things. Everything in the physical world is conceived in the spiritual world before it is manifested in the real world. For instance the inventor of the plane did not see it in the physical world. They had a vision and this led to the creation of the first vehicle that could manoeuvre through the sky. Faith is a driving force to the manifestation of things from spiritual into physical.If your belief has become distorted or you cherry pick what to follow, you have the...

Ride Along The WaveB...

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