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someone holding piece of paper saying let go let god

Focus On The Praise

Praise steers the atmosphere and gives God a platform in which to interact in your life. It is a form of love expressed that really touches Jesus and is one of many ways to show great gratitude towards God the father. It requires full concentration and devotion and it is very easy to let life's worries choke up your thoughts whilst you are attempting to focus on the things of God. Focus on the praise and you will be surprised on what you see happen.The form praise comes in is not important as long as it is a sincere expression of gratitude to God and penetrates his gates. Sometimes it is not easy to be cheerful and joyful in the beginning of...

Praise steers the atmosphere ...

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a trainer being handed to a small wooden figure

Give In Secret

God continually gives to us in many ways and forms. We may not comprehend all the ways but God ensures we do not lack. God is so fine tuned that is He has numbered the hairs on your head. Giving to others draws God closer to you. It is important when you give that it is done so with sincere intention and in secret between you and the father. For instance giving 1000 to someone  in front of a large crowd will draw attention compared to giving it to someone when no one is looking. Give In secret.Giving has to be done with the right mindset. This is without reservation and with a pure heart towards it. It is very easy for...

God continually gives to us i...

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