
Colossians 4:2 Tag

woman hands in pray

The hidden power of prayer

Dive into the profound connection between prayer and personal empowerment, discovering the unseen forces that shape our lives. Explore the depths of spiritual growth and find strength, solace, and purpose in the transformative practice of prayer. The hidden power of prayer What is prayer? Prayer is a form of communication or conversation with God (Jesus). It is a hotline direct to Jesus that is available 24/7. God is always at the end of the phone line awaiting us to dial in at any given moment.  When do I pray? For everyone this would be different. Some examples could be when you first wake up, when you go to sleep at night, on your journey to school/work. The important component is to create time for...

Dive into the profound conne...

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a classic guitar with a slightly pink background

Praise Is Like Seasoning

Praise is like good seasoning to God. When you praise God it makes him very happy as you decide to do so with your free will rather than you being forced to like a robot. God is spirit so it is important for you to know who God is and this helps in praising him. Praise is like seasoning to God and you want to add spice to it.You may have a preferred way to Thank God and would encourage you to continually do so. In my case praising God with guitar was hard work as I was learning the instrument simultaneously. When I got to a good level it slowly became pure enjoyment and an anchor point to connect with God.Prayer...

Praise is like good seasoning...

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