orchestra, musical instruments

What musical instrument are you

Explore your spiritual harmony with 'What Musical Instrument Are You?' This faith-inspired quiz helps you discover which musical instrument reflects your connection with Jesus. Whether you're a gentle harp, a guiding trumpet, or a joyful tambourine, find out how your personality resonates with the instruments that have inspired worship and praise throughout history. Perfect for believers seeking a deeper understanding of their spiritual gifts What Instrument are you? There are so many that come in different forms, shapes and sizes. Even within a specific type of instrument (guitar) there are many different types all making different sounds distinctive from one another. Take time to discover your hidden talents. You were wonderfully made! Function of an instrument The function of the instrument in its simplest...

Explore your spiritual harmo...

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hand opened up with dove representing holy spirit flying

The holy spirit is a person

Just like how water comes in 3 forms, God comes in 3 forms. Water can exist as gas, liquid and ice in the same way God exists as the Father, Son and holy spirit. The holy spirit is a person. Who is the holy spirit? The holy spirit is an active force of God's power manifested through his spirit. The holy spirit is the channel by which God can interact with others and manifest his power through us. Does The Holy Spirit Have Feelings? The holy spirit experiences various emotions in a similar way to humans do. There have been references to grieving the holy spirit. To grieve is to feel intense sorrow. This means the holy spirit cares very much for you as you can only grieve someone you are close to. How do I get the holy spirit? Prayer to God that you would like to receive the holy spirit whilst you accept the...

Just like how water comes in...

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orchestra group gathered together

Coming together brings about change

Together, we can achieve more, inspire change, and make a positive impact on the world. Come be a part of something extraordinary and witness the spectacle that happens when individuals come together with a shared vision. Coming together brings about change The Power Of Together When a musical band plays, the harmonization of music in sync makes music so powerful. One instrument on its own may not have power but when you add multiple instruments it has more power to move you. Even when one instrument makes a slight mistake, the other instruments can cover you. If you play alone then it is easier for others to hear your mistake. Everyone has an important role to play  A church has many different departments and...

Together, we can achieve mor...

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people gathered in park holding each other

The power in community and gathering

Unveil the strength found in unity, shared purpose, and collective faith. Explore biblical insights that illuminate the profound impact of coming together, fostering connection, and embracing the spiritual synergy that empowers lives. The power in community and gathering. What is the definition of a community in church aspect? A social group of any size whose members who gather in order to align with the word of God (Bible) Relevance of gathering? There is a saying that there is power in numbers. Certain things in life can only be achieved with the help of others. Also, particular achievements can be obtained faster than trying to do it on your own. When we gather, it provides God with a channel to connect to others and possibly...

Unveil the strength found in ...

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thermometer in the sky

Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer

Discover the transformative power of Jesus – not merely a thermometer reacting to the world, but a thermostat influencing and shaping it. Immerse yourself in the teachings of a guiding light, empowering you to set the temperature of love, compassion, and positive change in your life and the world. Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer. What is the function of a thermostat? A thermostat is simply the controls used to regulate temperature in a heating system What is a thermostat? A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature What is the function of a boiler? The boiler provides the heat and the pump moves heated water from the boiler through the pipework to the radiators, and back to the boiler for reheating What has thermostat and thermometer got to do...

Discover the transformative ...

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glass half filled with view of the city in the evening

Perception Can Make A World Of Difference

Elevate your awareness and embrace the profound impact perception can have on shaping your reality. Perception Can Make A World Of Difference. What Is Perception? In the context of this article, we will focus on perception which is how people may interpret something. Two people may look at a half-filled glass of water and draw 2 conclusions from it. One person may perceive it as being half full and another half empty but are any of the 2 individuals wrong. They are both correct in their own ways but your outlook on things can have a huge bearing on how you approach things in life. How Did People Perceive David when he thought Goliath? They saw Goliath as this immensely intimidating figure between his...

Elevate your awareness and e...

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someone holding piece of paper saying let go let god

Focus On The Praise

Praise steers the atmosphere and gives God a platform in which to interact in your life. It is a form of love expressed that really touches Jesus and is one of many ways to show great gratitude towards God the father. It requires full concentration and devotion and it is very easy to let life's worries choke up your thoughts whilst you are attempting to focus on the things of God. Focus on the praise and you will be surprised on what you see happen.The form praise comes in is not important as long as it is a sincere expression of gratitude to God and penetrates his gates. Sometimes it is not easy to be cheerful and joyful in the beginning of...

Praise steers the atmosphere ...

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a classic guitar with a slightly pink background

Praise Is Like Seasoning

Praise is like good seasoning to God. When you praise God it makes him very happy as you decide to do so with your free will rather than you being forced to like a robot. God is spirit so it is important for you to know who God is and this helps in praising him. Praise is like seasoning to God and you want to add spice to it.You may have a preferred way to Thank God and would encourage you to continually do so. In my case praising God with guitar was hard work as I was learning the instrument simultaneously. When I got to a good level it slowly became pure enjoyment and an anchor point to connect with God.Prayer...

Praise is like good seasoning...

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golden cross with Jesus in a church room

Praise Effects The Atmosphere

It is easier to be in a thankful mood when things are going well compared to when things are not going well. Imagine Paul is in prison and is praising God with Silas. By the time the prison gate opens most people will not be in a praise filled mindset. Praise Effects The Atmosphere around you.When you do not feel in the right mind to praise God this is the time the effects can be most potent in reaching Jesus. Praise can be channeled in a variety of ways and the main ingredient is a grateful heart rather than an entitled one.If you haven't already remember to give thanks to God today!Bible versesPsalm 28:7 - The Lord is my strength and my shield;My heart trusts in Him, and I...

It is easier to be in a thank...

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man kneeled in grass with right hand raised up and head down

Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing

Tap Into the BlessingGratitude goes a long way in life. I will never forget the moment I was making deliveries in an area and a customer offered me chilled water on a hot summer's day. This act was worth so much to me in the moment. Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing to tap into.Now imagine God that provides everything good in your life. Praise can be channeled in many forms and naturally everyone may have a preference style in doing so after all God made us all very different.For some it may be singing, others it could be instrumental, others it could be praying and in possibly other forms that feel most natural. Thanking God allows your mind to be focussed on...

Tap Into the Blessing...

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