
Praise Is Like Seasoning

Praise is like good seasoning to God. When you praise God it makes him very happy as you decide to do so with your free will rather than you being forced to like a robot. God is spirit so it...

Praise is like good seasoning...

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Give In Secret

God continually gives to us in many ways and forms. We may not comprehend all the ways but God ensures we do not lack. God is so fine tuned that is He has numbered the hairs on your head. Giving to...

God continually gives to us i...

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Sweet Words Can Heal

Words have a powerful effect on those you interact with. Your words have the power to tear down strongholds over someones life or to drag others down. Someone may be fine but as soon as you hear the words from...

Words have a powerful effect ...

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How To Obtain Wisdom

Wisdom can be obtained by asking God directly for it. We see in Solomons case that when he asked for wisdom it gave him the ability to create wealth beyond imagination. How to obtain wisdom is just as simple as requesting...

Wisdom can be obtained by ask...

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Open Minded Wisdom

Pride can be a deadly force and instills that you rely on yourself and your power rather than God. Learning to be open draws people to you and allows God to use you to connect to others. Jesus showed us in all...

Pride can be a deadly force a...

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Praise Effects The Atmosphere

It is easier to be in a thankful mood when things are going well compared to when things are not going well. Imagine Paul is in prison and is praising God with Silas. By the time the prison gate opens...

It is easier to be in a thank...

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Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing

Tap Into the BlessingGratitude goes a long way in life. I will never forget the moment I was making deliveries in an area and a customer offered me chilled water on a hot summer's day. This act was worth so...

Tap Into the Blessing...

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Faith Is A Driving Force

Ride Along The WaveBelief is a powerful tool that can drive an individual to do great things. In the same way it has the potential to bring good outcomes, it likewise also has the potential to bring about bad things. Everything in...

Ride Along The WaveB...

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Our Ultimate Protector

Tag Him InIn our lives we have probably lost count of how many times God has knowingly and unknowingly protected us from harm. One key activator for God protecting you is knowing the God who is protecting you. In real life...

Tag Him InIn our liv...

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Jesus Is Rooting For You

You Have Your Biggest SupporterEveryone at some point in life has been faced with temptation no matter how small or big it was. It stems from your desires and drives you to make unwise choices in given scenarios. The devil will come...

You Have Your Biggest Suppor...

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