putting a puzzle

Seeing The Unseen And Decoding It

Dive deep into the mysteries of faith and perceive the hidden truths and profound meanings that transcend the visible realm. Seeing the Unseen and Decoding It. How do you see the unseen? Faith is one of the first things you need in order to see what can not be seen with your physical eyes. There are other components such as hope, assurance and action which may supplement your faith and steer you to manifesting your unseen realm into the very visible you see with your eyes. What Are Hope, Assurance and Action Hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Assurance is a positive declaration intended to give confidence. Action is the fact or process of doing something,...

Dive deep into the mysteries ...

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thermometer in the sky

Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer

Discover the transformative power of Jesus – not merely a thermometer reacting to the world, but a thermostat influencing and shaping it. Immerse yourself in the teachings of a guiding light, empowering you to set the temperature of love, compassion, and positive change in your life and the world. Are You A Thermostat or Thermometer. What is the function of a thermostat? A thermostat is simply the controls used to regulate temperature in a heating system What is a thermostat? A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperature What is the function of a boiler? The boiler provides the heat and the pump moves heated water from the boiler through the pipework to the radiators, and back to the boiler for reheating What has thermostat and thermometer got to do...

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glass half filled with view of the city in the evening

Perception Can Make A World Of Difference

Elevate your awareness and embrace the profound impact perception can have on shaping your reality. Perception Can Make A World Of Difference. What Is Perception? In the context of this article, we will focus on perception which is how people may interpret something. Two people may look at a half-filled glass of water and draw 2 conclusions from it. One person may perceive it as being half full and another half empty but are any of the 2 individuals wrong. They are both correct in their own ways but your outlook on things can have a huge bearing on how you approach things in life. How Did People Perceive David when he thought Goliath? They saw Goliath as this immensely intimidating figure between his...

Elevate your awareness and e...

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crystal clear water with a green terrain view

Amazing cleansing brings relief to you

Discover the profound solace of Jesus Amazing Cleansing – a sacred journey for your soul. Amazing cleansing brings relief to you. How Do I Receive Cleansing? We receive cleansing by the power of the blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all our sins. By believing he is your lord, confessing it and by believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead is the way to activate it in your life. We pray to Jesus to cleanse us from iniquity and from anything that may be defiling us. Guilt is a tool that the enemy may use to make you feel bound and helpless concerning your situation. No matter the action you have committed, Jesus has the power to...

Discover the profound solace...

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Girl rubbing elephant head while it is smiling in forest

Every bit makes a big difference

Explore how tiny changes can create a significant impact on our world. Giving no matter how big or small helps to create change. Every bit makes a big difference.Does my giving make a differenceGiving £1 towards a fundraiser at £999 would help meet the goal of £1000. If 1 million people decided to give £1 this would generate £1000000. Sometimes a small contribution may appear like it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things but it does all add up at the end of the day. It could influence someone else to give at the start. It could influence someone to give the remaining amount at the end. It can be a fuelling force behind a specific change.How a...

Explore how tiny changes can ...

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hand holding a telescope viewing scenery with lens being focussed and everything around being blurry

Vision and Television The New Power

A vision can be something something you see in your mind and you manifest it into the physical world. A Television shows a screen with someones vision. Vision and Television can show different things.Difference In Power Of Vision and TelevisionThe vision can be moulded into what your mind can imagine. A television can only show someones vision in picture form. A television can be used to feed your vision if it is aligned with the right things. In modern times we are spoilt for choice on what we can decide to feed our minds with. A tool can bring benefit or harm depending on how it is used.How Do I Grow My VisionYou can grow your vision in a variety...

A vision can be something som...

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honey being dripped into small bowl using stick

Sweet Words Can Heal

Words have a powerful effect on those you interact with. Your words have the power to tear down strongholds over someones life or to drag others down. Someone may be fine but as soon as you hear the words from a medical professional "you will not make it past 3 months" these words can heavily impact you. Sweet Words Can Heal when you fully tap into it.In the bee kingdom honeycombs are used to store honey and pollen. When someone is having a bad day mentally their stores become depleted. Your words provide God an opportunity to build up someone and might in extreme cases be the difference between life and death.When we are going through life we have reassurance that God will heal us....

Words have a powerful effect ...

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man kneeled in grass with right hand raised up and head down

Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing

Tap Into the BlessingGratitude goes a long way in life. I will never forget the moment I was making deliveries in an area and a customer offered me chilled water on a hot summer's day. This act was worth so much to me in the moment. Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing to tap into.Now imagine God that provides everything good in your life. Praise can be channeled in many forms and naturally everyone may have a preference style in doing so after all God made us all very different.For some it may be singing, others it could be instrumental, others it could be praying and in possibly other forms that feel most natural. Thanking God allows your mind to be focussed on...

Tap Into the Blessing...

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woman jumping from a lower ground to a higher mountain ground

Faith Is A Driving Force

Ride Along The WaveBelief is a powerful tool that can drive an individual to do great things. In the same way it has the potential to bring good outcomes, it likewise also has the potential to bring about bad things. Everything in the physical world is conceived in the spiritual world before it is manifested in the real world. For instance the inventor of the plane did not see it in the physical world. They had a vision and this led to the creation of the first vehicle that could manoeuvre through the sky. Faith is a driving force to the manifestation of things from spiritual into physical.If your belief has become distorted or you cherry pick what to follow, you have the...

Ride Along The WaveB...

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Jesus holding a sheep in his arms using his scarf to wrap it

Our Ultimate Protector

Tag Him InIn our lives we have probably lost count of how many times God has knowingly and unknowingly protected us from harm. One key activator for God protecting you is knowing the God who is protecting you. In real life when you are in danger you can call on those close to you to help in times of need. If you reached out to a stranger, they may behave like this is not my problem but it yours. He is our ultimate protector in everything. Let God take control of your situation and everything will turn around in your life.The name of the lord is Jesus. We have added reassurance that God protects us when we run to him through troubling...

Tag Him InIn our liv...

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