

father holding son

Jesus is the Father

Unpack the complexities and significance of understanding Jesus' divine nature as the father. Jesus is the father. Who Is The Father? Jesus is our father. He is the visible part of the invisible God. He is an aspect of Gods divine nature packaged in human flesh. He is your biggest supporter.Does the Father Love Me?The Father loves us all. No matter what you may think, the fathers love never departs us. The fathers love is unconditional towards his children. How Does He Show His Love?In many ways. We have to be receptive to how he communicates as this would be different from person to person. Will He Take Me Back When I Have Lost My Way?He always has a hand stretched out to you...

Unpack the complexities and ...

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Abraham taking Isaac to the mountain to be sacrificed

Exercising your faith brings perseverance 

Embrace the challenges with unwavering belief, and let perseverance be your guide to a steadfast spiritual life. Exercising your faith brings perseverance. What is faith? The act of believing in something that is unseen but seeing it in your mind. How to Strengthen faith ? To build muscle in the gym requires you to use specific exercises to strain your muscles. Faith works in a similar way where God creates scenarios that test our faith to help us grow. We have the reassurance that obedience brings out the good things that God has planned for us. How long does it take to receive what I am beliveing for? There is no definitive answer to this as we may receive it quite instantly and at other times...

Embrace the challenges with ...

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hand opened up with dove representing holy spirit flying

The holy spirit is a person

Just like how water comes in 3 forms, God comes in 3 forms. Water can exist as gas, liquid and ice in the same way God exists as the Father, Son and holy spirit. The holy spirit is a person. Who is the holy spirit? The holy spirit is an active force of God's power manifested through his spirit. The holy spirit is the channel by which God can interact with others and manifest his power through us. Does The Holy Spirit Have Feelings? The holy spirit experiences various emotions in a similar way to humans do. There have been references to grieving the holy spirit. To grieve is to feel intense sorrow. This means the holy spirit cares very much for you as you can only grieve someone you are close to. How do I get the holy spirit? Prayer to God that you would like to receive the holy spirit whilst you accept the...

Just like how water comes in...

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Plate with clock in the middle and knife and fork to the side

Fasting can change your atmosphere

Discover the transformative power of fasting and learn how it can positively impact your environment and overall well-being. Find out how fasting can create a new atmosphere for a healthier and more vibrant life. Fasting can change your atmosphere What Is Fasting As A Christian? Fasting is the practice of voluntarily abstaining from a particular thing (i.e. food, drink, Netflix etc) in order to grow closer to God. Your intention towards the fast needs to be focussed and of a genuine nature. Should I Make Others Aware I Am Fasting? When you fast it should be done with the mindset that only God needs to know. If you indicate to people you are fasting then it is not truly genuine but you are seeking...

Discover the transformative ...

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people gathered in park holding each other

The power in community and gathering

Unveil the strength found in unity, shared purpose, and collective faith. Explore biblical insights that illuminate the profound impact of coming together, fostering connection, and embracing the spiritual synergy that empowers lives. The power in community and gathering. What is the definition of a community in church aspect? A social group of any size whose members who gather in order to align with the word of God (Bible) Relevance of gathering? There is a saying that there is power in numbers. Certain things in life can only be achieved with the help of others. Also, particular achievements can be obtained faster than trying to do it on your own. When we gather, it provides God with a channel to connect to others and possibly...

Unveil the strength found in ...

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glass half filled with view of the city in the evening

Perception Can Make A World Of Difference

Elevate your awareness and embrace the profound impact perception can have on shaping your reality. Perception Can Make A World Of Difference. What Is Perception? In the context of this article, we will focus on perception which is how people may interpret something. Two people may look at a half-filled glass of water and draw 2 conclusions from it. One person may perceive it as being half full and another half empty but are any of the 2 individuals wrong. They are both correct in their own ways but your outlook on things can have a huge bearing on how you approach things in life. How Did People Perceive David when he thought Goliath? They saw Goliath as this immensely intimidating figure between his...

Elevate your awareness and e...

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Girl rubbing elephant head while it is smiling in forest

Every bit makes a big difference

Explore how tiny changes can create a significant impact on our world. Giving no matter how big or small helps to create change. Every bit makes a big difference.Does my giving make a differenceGiving £1 towards a fundraiser at £999 would help meet the goal of £1000. If 1 million people decided to give £1 this would generate £1000000. Sometimes a small contribution may appear like it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things but it does all add up at the end of the day. It could influence someone else to give at the start. It could influence someone to give the remaining amount at the end. It can be a fuelling force behind a specific change.How a...

Explore how tiny changes can ...

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a trainer being handed to a small wooden figure

Give In Secret

God continually gives to us in many ways and forms. We may not comprehend all the ways but God ensures we do not lack. God is so fine tuned that is He has numbered the hairs on your head. Giving to others draws God closer to you. It is important when you give that it is done so with sincere intention and in secret between you and the father. For instance giving 1000 to someone  in front of a large crowd will draw attention compared to giving it to someone when no one is looking. Give In secret.Giving has to be done with the right mindset. This is without reservation and with a pure heart towards it. It is very easy for...

God continually gives to us i...

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Jesus leading a flock of sheep in a green scenery

Jesus has your back

Let Him Do The RestGod provides protection to us all as we are his children. This is very specific in that all weapons means all weapons. It could be applied to weapons directly or it could even be the manifestation of an attack planned for your life. God has neutralized it before it even becomes a threat to you. Some things we may be aware of and others not so much. Jesus Has your back.When people accuse you, God has your back. This is especially the case when you are in the right on a given topic. When you hear gossip do not contribute towards it but neutralize its deadly venom. As we ask for protection, remember to protect those around you...

Let Him Do The RestGo...

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blue and pink love hearts on the beach

Love In All You Do

Let all your actions be driven by love for others. Sometimes it can be the smile things that can a difference to someones day. Whether a small or big action, they all add up. Jesus set a clear example for us in all his actions for us all. Sometimes it can be difficult to love someone who you naturally clash but you would be surprised that sometimes that enemy can be your closest friend. Love in all you do and it will change the way you think.Action That Can Show LoveIf you can take an act to do something loving for someone today, you may be the only persons who shows love on a particular day.Bible Verse1 Corinthians 16:14 -...

Let all your actions be drive...

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