
Jesus is the Father

father holding son

Jesus is the Father

Unpack the complexities and significance of understanding Jesus’ divine nature as the father. Jesus is the father.

Who Is The Father?

Jesus is our father. He is the visible part of the invisible God. He is an aspect of Gods divine nature packaged in human flesh. He is your biggest supporter.

Does the Father Love Me?

The Father loves us all. No matter what you may think, the fathers love never departs us. The fathers love is unconditional towards his children.

How Does He Show His Love?

In many ways. We have to be receptive to how he communicates as this would be different from person to person.

Will He Take Me Back When I Have Lost My Way?

He always has a hand stretched out to you no matter how deep a hole you may find yourself in. The story of the prodigal son reminds us of this.

Bible Verses

Luke 15:11-32 (The Lost son)

Alex A
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