
The hidden power of prayer

woman hands in pray

The hidden power of prayer

Dive into the profound connection between prayer and personal empowerment, discovering the unseen forces that shape our lives. Explore the depths of spiritual growth and find strength, solace, and purpose in the transformative practice of prayer. The hidden power of prayer

What is prayer?

Prayer is a form of communication or conversation with God (Jesus). It is a hotline direct to Jesus that is available 24/7. God is always at the end of the phone line awaiting us to dial in at any given moment. 

When do I pray?

For everyone this would be different. Some examples could be when you first wake up, when you go to sleep at night, on your journey to school/work. The important component is to create time for God in your daily routine. Life has a way of challenging you for your time but you must create time for God.

Should I pray when times are good or bad?

You should pray during all seasons that you are faced with. It is easy to pray when times are bad as you have a clear goal however it comes across as if you are using God. It is easy to pray during good times because you will easily feel in the mood to be grateful.

My prayer was not answered what do I do?

God answers all prayers, it may just not be the outcome we are seeking. God has his will for us but sometimes we attempt to force God to fulfil our will desires even though it may not align with what God may want.

Is there a blue print to praying?

Jesus provides in “Matthew 6:5-15” how to structure your prayers as a template. It covers various topics so this is a good starting point and you may adjust it to fit closer to how you would pray. Like anything in life the more you do it the easier and more expressive you will become. 

What posture should I pray in?

Again everyone would be different on this. Some pray kneeled down with head bowed. Others pray standing, others pray sitting. Would tailor this to the best way for you to pray.

Bible Verses

Colossians 4:2 – Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 – Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you

Alex A
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