
The power in community and gathering

people gathered in park holding each other

The power in community and gathering

Unveil the strength found in unity, shared purpose, and collective faith. Explore biblical insights that illuminate the profound impact of coming together, fostering connection, and embracing the spiritual synergy that empowers lives. The power in community and gathering.

What is the definition of a community in church aspect?

A social group of any size whose members who gather in order to align with the word of God (Bible)

Relevance of gathering?

There is a saying that there is power in numbers. Certain things in life can only be achieved with the help of others. Also, particular achievements can be obtained faster than trying to do it on your own. When we gather, it provides God with a channel to connect to others and possibly answer their prayers. $1 on its own is not much but when 1000 people give $1 it becomes $1000 and in effect multiples what can be attained.

It provides you with atmopshere to remove your mask

In modern times it is very common to hide our true mindset and feelings and to put on a mask. When you are not ok and someone asks how are you, I am sure you reply to say fine when your not. The idea is that this you have a small group of trusted individuals to open to when you are going through something. There was an occasion where someone in the group was under stress and the community raised money for them to stay in a hotel and have a spa day. The individual was very touched the group did this for them just based on feeling. Natrually like everything in life there is a time to give and another to receive.

Is Jesus in the room with me when others are around?

We have added reassurance from scripture that when 2 or more gather in the name of Jesus that he is very much present in the occasion

The Importance of being around others

Even when Jesus was on the earth he could have done everything himself without anyone but chose to demonstrate a framework of doing things with others. He gathered disciples and ensured they had others with them along the journey. In the same way as a corporation, everyone has their gift and place in the race of life. Some are gifted in handling money, others in worship, video & graphics etc. Addiction is hard to conquer on your own but being in a community setting will help provide you with the inner strength to overcome some of your internal struggles.

Take Home Message

If you find yourself going through difficulty then you need to ensure you have a trusted community around you. There will be a season to give but also you will receive in unexpected ways.

Bible verses


Matthew 18:20 – For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them

Acts 2:44 – All the believers were together and had everything in common

Alex A
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