
Amazing cleansing brings relief to you

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Amazing cleansing brings relief to you

Discover the profound solace of Jesus Amazing Cleansing – a sacred journey for your soul. Amazing cleansing brings relief to you.

How Do I Receive Cleansing?

We receive cleansing by the power of the blood of Jesus which cleanses us from all our sins. By believing he is your lord, confessing it and by believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead is the way to activate it in your life. We pray to Jesus to cleanse us from iniquity and from anything that may be defiling us. Guilt is a tool that the enemy may use to make you feel bound and helpless concerning your situation. No matter the action you have committed, Jesus has the power to cleanse you if you give him the opportunity to do so.

Were the Pharisees Clean?

They appeared clean on the outside as they were following religious doctrine but they lacked the love and empathy to connect to their neighbours needs. They’re hearts were hardened and they in essence looked down at others. They felt they were self righteous and were living as perfect examples of how God wanted humans to live. They were so out of the sync that even when Jesus was stood in front of them they did not realise they were resisting the very God they thought they were serving the whole time.

Do I Need To Do Be Cleansed Often

As we navigate through life we will reach bumpy terrain. The same way a car or mechanical vehicle needs maintenance periodically is the same way we need to self reflect on a day to day basis. On one hand once Jesus cleanses you, he does so in the past, the present and future. However being aware allows you to connect with others who may be going through trials and tribulations and it is through your self awareness that you would have the tools to help your neighbour going through a similar situation. Jesus brings amazing cleansing that brings relief to you.

Pray For Some Of That Mighty Cleansing

Simply ask Jesus to cleanse and purify you and he will do the rest. You can pray for your loved ones and those around you to be cleanse. If you have the faith pray world wide for cleansing. As long as you believe then Jesus will take control. Some people may be stuck in a period of depression over decades and your prayer to cleanse could be what saves them. Take some time to make a positive impact with your actions of faith today.

Bible Verses

Matthew 23:26 – You blind Pharisee, first clean the inside of the cup and of the dish, so that the outside of it may also become clean.

1 John 1:7 –  but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin

Alex A
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