
Vision and Television The New Power

hand holding a telescope viewing scenery with lens being focussed and everything around being blurry

Vision and Television The New Power

A vision can be something something you see in your mind and you manifest it into the physical world. A Television shows a screen with someones vision. Vision and Television can show different things.

Difference In Power Of Vision and Television

The vision can be moulded into what your mind can imagine. A television can only show someones vision in picture form. A television can be used to feed your vision if it is aligned with the right things. In modern times we are spoilt for choice on what we can decide to feed our minds with. A tool can bring benefit or harm depending on how it is used.

How Do I Grow My Vision

You can grow your vision in a variety of different ways and it may come in the form of a revelation. The person who invented the light bulb did not see it on a television, they saw it first in their mind. They would have needed to take steps and experiment with a number of things to get the final result. Some inventions come by mistake but the effort of exploring yields result. The Word of God is filled with hidden mysteries and is an encyclopaedia of knowledge when fully tapped into. Every chapter contains a new marvel and story that can fuel you to tap into new visions.

What limits My Vision

The more you see and are exposed to in life the more you will be able to see. There are certain things that can only be revealed if God wants to show you. If there is any area where you need help with a vision, Jesus is only one prayer away. Taking steps towards your vision will eventually put you on the right track to make change. Change is not easy as it usually comes with an initial discomfort but over time it becomes a habit and becomes like second nature.

Can A TV Dull My Vision

A vision can grow with time if you focus on it and take you to new heights. Focussing on the television may dull your vision and weaken your ability to see ahead.

Bible Verses

Psalm 25:5-6

5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil;
My cup overflows.
6. Certainly goodness and faithfulness will follow me all the days of my life,
And my dwelling will be in the house of the Lord forever.
Alex A
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