
You Will Be Tempted

hammer hitting molten object

You Will Be Tempted

Best To Be Prepared

Life is certainly not without its fair share of troubles. Going through trials and tribulations provides an opportunity for growth and development. God would never allow us to be tested beyond our means which is reassuring for us all.  You Will Be Tempted.

Even when the temptation is strong there is nothing wrong in running away from the situation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. We all have sinned and naturally have failed some of lifes trials but it is more how we can help those going through situations.

For instance if your neighbour drinks alcohol excessively, if you have been through this addiction and overcome it you will have the ability to connect and help them overcome this addiction. A medical expert may be able to apply their medical experience to help you overcome through another channel of communication.

Bible verse

Psalm 66:10 – For You have put us to the test, God; You have refined us as silver is refined.

Matthew 26:41 – Keep watching and praying, so that you do not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.





Alex A
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