
Healing Changes Your Situation

olive oil flowing into circular container

Healing Changes Your Situation

Tap Into The Anointing

In life God has the power to heal people. The healing may come in the form of a miracle where even sometimes science can’t explain it. For instance there has been a case where a woman was born without womb, ovaries or Fallopian tubes yet she gave birth to twins. Healing Changes Your Situation.

You may be the healing someone needs. Perhaps you saying a word could impart healing in someones life. God intends for us to grow but also to remain in good health as we age through the years. Sometimes we appreciate things when they go wrong. For example when you have an injury following a sports incident all of a sudden you realise the importance of that body part as this may hinder you from taking part in an activity.

Remember to pray not just for your healing but also for others. Anointing oil is made reference to in the bible for healing on occasions. Remember the power is in your faith to believe it is beyond a olive oil in the super market but a channel in which God can channel its power through.

Take time to heal someone in your day and God will do the same for you. It can be a small or big action but remember to take action.

Bible verses

Psalm 6:2 – Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am frail; Heal me, Lord, for my bones are horrified.

3 john 1:2 – Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

Alex A
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