
Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing

man kneeled in grass with right hand raised up and head down

Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing

Tap Into the Blessing

Gratitude goes a long way in life. I will never forget the moment I was making deliveries in an area and a customer offered me chilled water on a hot summer’s day. This act was worth so much to me in the moment. Gratitude Is A Wonderful Thing to tap into.

Now imagine God that provides everything good in your life. Praise can be channeled in many forms and naturally everyone may have a preference style in doing so after all God made us all very different.

For some it may be singing, others it could be instrumental, others it could be praying and in possibly other forms that feel most natural. Thanking God allows your mind to be focussed on what is important. 

It is one component that brings God joy as it is done through choice and free will rather than you being forced like a programmed AI. Praise creates a shift in your atmosphere and allows God the opportunity to take control of your life.

The key detail is for you to be focused on praise rather than being distracted. For instance you may be singing but in your mind your like I can’t wait to head out with friends tonight or I can’t wait for a new episode of a series to come out. Just doing the action it is not enough, you have to have your mind focussed in the moment.

If you have not praised God today then take the action even if it as small as you saying thank you Jesus to make his day!

Bible verses

Psalm 150:6 – Everything that has breath shall praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!

James 3:10 – from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, these things should not be this way.







Alex A
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