
Faith draws out things from the mind

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Faith draws out things from the mind

How To bring Out The Faith?

Faith is a power thing when you tap into it. Something is conceived in your mind and you give birth to it in your reality. Faith like anything grows with time and depending on the area it is applied to determines how strong it is. It Is important to set realistic targets when you set your faith in a given area. Faith draws out things from the mind.

Faith can grow through perseverance especially when it is not something you get right the first time. You do need to take action aligned to your faith. For instance expecting to lift 50Kg free weights when you have never lifted before may be a tad bit too ambitious. However if you had taken steps to improve gradually until you can lift 50kg weights then you will be able to lift it by faith.

You need to take actions that align with your faith. Faith without actions almost voids the faith component of the formula. 

Bible References

Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

James 1:3 – Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Alex A
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